Channel: Vectorise
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Kem. Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan


Logo Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT)

Update dari versi lama | 15 Mei 2013 – Ekoran daripada penyusunan semula beberapa Kementerian selepas Pilihanraya Umum Ke-13 (PRU Ke-13), KPKT juga telah menjalani penyusunan semula dan kini dikenali sebagai Kementerian Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, dan dengan tambahan huruf KPKT ke dalam logonya.

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Bahagian Pengurusan Psikologi, JPA


Logo Bahagian Pengurusan Psikologi JPA

Bahagian Pengurusan Psikologi, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia. ‘Menjadikan Perkhidmatan Psikologi sebagai Teras kepada aspek Pembangunan Modal Insan dalam Pengurusan Sumber Manusia selaras dengan Wawasan JPA.

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Diabetes Malaysia


Logo Diabetes Malaysia

Diabetes Malaysia which was previously known as Persatuan Diabetes Malaysia (PDM), has developed this Diabetes Community Portal to foremost provide the PDM members and the public at large with a reliable source of information about diabetes.


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Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor


Jabatan Pendidikan Johor

The new logo of Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor (JPN Johor) replacing the old version → Jabatan Pelajaran Johor. The changes are the new Kufi Fatimi style of Arabic khat that spells ‘Pendidikan’ replacing the old khat spells ‘Pelajaran’.

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Sony Music make.believe


Logo Sony Music Make Believe

Sony Corporation (Sony) was announced “make.believe” (make dot believe) in 2nd Sept. 2009, as the new Group-wide brand message that unites Sony’s communication initiatives across electronics, games, movies, music, mobile phones and network services. The introduction of “make.believe” symbolizes Sony’s spirit of creativity and innovation and marks the first time the Company has introduced a unified brand message encompassing both entertainment and electronics.. and this is the logo of Sony Music Entertainment or simply Sony Music.

make believe

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Vegetable Oil Ink


Logo Vegetable Oil Ink

Vegetable Oil Ink is a standard symbol introduced by Japan Printing Ink Makers Association in December 2008 as a result of the great aim of environmental policies and sustainable development. Vegetable based ink is made with vegetable oil, such as soybean or linseed oil and is used as a substitute for petroleum. These inks significantly reduce the amount of ozone depleting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) released into the air during Heatset Offset printing, althought the waste gases containing the emitted VOCs are burned.

Among the advantages quoted are:
• less ink rub-off to the reader’s fingers,
• more brillant colours,
• better trapping,
• no misting,
• less ink per area needed
• biodegradable and more readily de-inkable
• enhances printability characteristics
• good press stability and colour control
• more range of substrates are applicable, so the stock can be reduced

Now whenever you prints using vegetable based ink, you can put this standard symbol as ‘Printed with Vegetable Oil Ink logo’ in your printed documents.. reference


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Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah


Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah

Kolej Islam Malaya lahir dari tradisi ilmu dan budaya Islam yang kaya dan unggul di Tanah Melayu. Berkat hasil usaha dan permuafakatan erat semua lapisan masyarakat, daripada golongan marhaen sehinggalah golongan aristokrat serta sokongan masyarakat bukan Islam, akhirnya impian untuk mempunyai sebuah pusat pendidikan tinggi Islam di Tanah Melayu tercapai.

Tanggal 8 April 1955 merupakan tarikh keramat bagi warga Tanah Melayu, Singapura dan Brunei. Duli Yang Mulia, Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sir Hishamudin ‘Alam Shah Alhaj telah berkenan mencemar duli bagi merasmikan pembukaan Kolej Islam Malaya. Istiadat perasmian Kolej Islam Malaya telah bermula selepas solat Jumaat di tapak Istana Jemaah, Kampung Jawa, Klang.


PERKAMA International


Logo Persatuan Kaunseling Malaysia

Persatuan Kaunseling Malaysia (PERKAMA) atau lebih dikenali sebagai PERKAMA International merupakan sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang memartabatkan amalan kaunseling di Malaysia. Tujuan penubuhan persatuan ini adalah untuk mempertingkatkan integriti profesion kaunseling di Malaysia selain dari memberi perkhidmatan sosial dan seterusnya dapat membantu kesejahteraan masyarakat. Antara tujuan profesional PERKAMA International ialah:

  • Memajukan amalan kaunseling secara profesional
  • Menggalak dan membantu ilmu pengetahuan, kefahaman dan penerimaan kaunseling dalam konteks profesional ahli-ahlinya
  • Memajukan perkembangan profesional ahli-ahlinya
  • Memperteguhkan identiti, harmoni, dan kerjasama di kalangan ahli-ahli yang terdiri dari pelbagai disiplin melalui perkongsian maklumat dan pengalaman
  • Menyediakan sumber tenaga profesional dalam bidang kaunseling bagi membantu masyarakat dalam menangani isu-isu sosial dan kesihatan mental


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Persatuan Muamalat Malaysia – MMA


Logo Malaysian Muamalat Association (MMA)


Persatuan Muamalat Malaysia (Malaysian Muamalat Association) MMA, ditubuhkan pada tahun 2012 dengan visi untuk mewujudkan satu medan jaringan perkongsian kepakaran, ilmu dan pengalaman di antara ahli akademik dan industri dalam bidang muamalat, perbankan dan kewangan Islam. MMA berhasrat untuk menjadi pakar rujuk dalam bidang ini seterusnya memartabat dan membangunkan bidang ini di Malaysia.


Download Vector Logo of Malaysian Muamalat Assoc. MMA


Asean Centre for Research On Drug Abuse – ACREDA



Asean Centre for Research On Drug Abuse | Center for Research in Substance Abuse (ACREDA) aims to be a research institution, consultancy, writing, publishing, training and information center associated with drug abuse a national and leading regional and credible and know and recognized not only at national level but also at regional and international level. ACREDA as a platform and global relationship to combat drug abuse in Asia and a source of reference for implementing the agenda.


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SPADA – Specialty Program for Alcohol and Drug Abuse



Specialty Program for Alcohol and Drug Abuse – SPADA, Faculty of Leadership and Management, adalah program Diploma Siswazah Dalam Penyalahgunaan Dadah/ Sarjana Kaunseling USIM.  Program ini bertujuan untuk melahirkan kumpulan pakar dalam bidang pencegahan, rawatan dan pemulihan, penjagaan lanjutan dan juga pengurusan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan yang berkaitan dengan penyalahgunaan.

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Institut Maahad Tahfiz Al-Azim – IMTAZ


Logo Institut Maahad Tahfiz Al-Azim (IMTAZ)

Institut Maahad Tahfiz Al-Azim, IMTAZ, merupakan sebuah pusat hafazan Al-Qur’an, serta pusat ilmu dan tarbiyyah yang berlandaskan kepada dua sumber iaitu Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah yang telah dirancang penubuhannya pada pertengahan bulan September 2007 oleh pengasasnya bersama dengan beberapa orang guru tahfiznya. IMTAZ juga menerima pelajar dari had umur 11 hingga 20 tahun untuk kelas tahfiz.



Kolej Melati UiTM Shah Alam



Logo Kolej Melati UiTM Shah Alam

Kolej Melati adalah kolej siswi di UiTM Shah Alam. Mula dibuka pada November 2002, kolej ini terdiri dari 4 blok, iaitu blok 3A dan 3B mempunyai ketinggian 4 tingkat dengan muatan 4 orang sebilik. Manakala blok 4A pula 8 tingkat dan blok 4B hingga 10 tingkat dengan muatan 2 orang sebilik. Kemudahan lif disediakan bagi kedua-dua blok tersebut manakala. Pejabat Pengurusan Kolej terletak di bahagian bawah antara blok 3A dan blok 4A.


DOWNLOAD Vector Logo Kolej Melati




Logo Redknee

Founded in 1999 in Canada, Redknee’s software provides billing, next generation data and content services, interconnect and settlement and customer care solutions to network operators of all sizes and stages of growth within their target markets. Redknee has deployed its products around the world and helped operators to launch innovative data offerings, messaging, and voice services. Today they serve more than 200 of the world’s top tier service providers in over 90 countries.



SK Parapat Darat Kudat, Sabah


SK Parapat Darat Kudat Sabah

Misi SK Parapat Darat adalah, berazam mengetengahkan pelajar cemerlang dalam bidang kurikulum, ko-kurikulum dan sahsiah menjelang 2015.

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Armed Forces Apprentice Trade School – AFATS Navy


Logo Armed Forces Apprentice Trade School - AFATS Navy

Sejarah AFATS bermula dari penubuhan Sekolah Pertukangan Perantis Angkatan Tentera (SPPAT) pada tahun 1968. Kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Armed Forces Apprentice Trade School (AFATS) yang lebih menjurus kepada perkhidmatan untuk Tentera Darat sebelum Tentera Udara dan Laut turut serta. Pengambilan AFATS Navy (caw. Tentera Laut) pula bermulakan pada 1982 dengan pengambilan pertama seramai 48 perantis. Perbarisan tamat latihan diadakan di AFATS Port Dickson bersama pengambilan ke 15, 16 dan 17. Kini bekas perantis mempunyai persatuannya sendiri yang dikenali dengan nama Persatuan Bekas Perantis Putera SPPAT/SPPTD dan lebih dikenali dengan nama Association of Former Apprentices membawa kembali nama AFATS dan ahli-ahli mereka juga dikenali sebagai BRADER.. via afats.com.my

DOWNLOAD Vector Logo of AFATS Navy


Hwang DBS logo – new arrangement V2


20140529 002


Hwang DBS

Since its inception, Hwang-DBS (Malaysia) Berhad (HDBS) has continued to be a leading, integrated financial services group in Malaysia providing a wide range of products and services namely, stockbroking, wholesale banking, sales and management of unit trust and institutional funds, derivatives trading and consumer financing. It also operates a commercial bank in Cambodia. HDBS is backed by two major shareholders namely Singapore’s largest bank, DBS Bank Limited and its founding shareholder, Dato’ Seri Hwang Sing Lue.

Moving forward, our mission is to continually improve our products and services to meet our customer needs and provide reasonable returns to our shareholders. As an integrated financial services group, we believe that there are greater opportunities to synergise within and expand our offerings via cross-selling, thus presenting our clients with a more complete proposition in terms of products and services via all our distribution channels.

As such, we certainly hope our aspiration to be THE Asian Financial Specialist will continue to shape new achievements for the Group.


DOWNLOAD - Hwang DBS logo – new arrangement V2

 NOTE - This collection already available. Just recently I got a lot more job that need the use of this new arrangement of this logo. May it will benefit you as well.



Akhi JoePembina T&S, Vectorise or any related parties do not hold ownership of the logo design and it is fully owned by individual/the company itself. They are solely uploaded by the tracer to help any person or related parties who has a need to use them for their work. If any portion of any material or information provided is subject to confidentiality, please contact administrator for withdrawal.

OSK-UOB United Overseas Bank logo


20140529 003


OSK-UOB United Overseas Bank logo

OSK-UOB Investment Management Bhd has officially merged with RHB Asset Management Sdn Bhd (formerly known as RHB Investment Management Sdn Bhd) effective 1st December 2013, to become one enlarged entity that carries a single brand name – RHB Asset Management Sdn Bhd. 


DOWNLOAD - OSK-UOB United Overseas Bank logo




Akhi JoePembina T&S, Vectorise or any related parties do not hold ownership of the logo design and it is fully owned by individual/the company itself. They are solely uploaded by the tracer to help any person or related parties who has a need to use them for their work. If any portion of any material or information provided is subject to confidentiality, please contact administrator for withdrawal.

As Salihin Trustee Berhad logo – new arrangement V2


20140529 004


As Salihin Trustee Berhad logo – new arrangement V2

Diperbadankan di bawah Akta Syarikat 1965 dan didaftarkan di bawah Akta Syarikat Amanah 1949, as-Salihin adalah sebuah Syarikat Amanah yang ditubuhkan untuk memenuhi keperluan umat Islam untuk memelihara, melindungi dan mengagihkan harta hasil titik peluh mereka untuk manfaat orang-orang tersayang apabila mereka meninggal dunia kelak melalui perancangan harta Pusaka Islam.


DOWNLOAD - As Salihin Trustee Berhad logo – new arrangement V2

 NOTE - This is not originally my tracing work. But I improvise a bit for my own usage. May it be useful for you too. Cheers!



Akhi JoePembina T&S, Vectorise or any related parties do not hold ownership of the logo design and it is fully owned by individual/the company itself. They are solely uploaded by the tracer to help any person or related parties who has a need to use them for their work. If any portion of any material or information provided is subject to confidentiality, please contact administrator for withdrawal.

RHB Bank – RHB Trustees Berhad logo


20140529 005


RHB Bank – RHB Trustees Berhad logo

RHB Trustees Berhad (formerly known as OSK Trustees Berhad) ("RHBT"), a member of the RHB Banking Group, offers a broad array of professional private and corporate trustee services catering to both individuals and institutions. Such services range from will-writing, private trust services and estate administration to trustee for unit trust schemes and REITs. Our company was established with the objective of becoming a fully integrated one-stop wealth protection and distribution services centre which provides innovative and comprehensive solutions tailor made to achieve your financial planning goals. We are committed to providing you services with the highest standards of integrity, quality and professionalism backed by the knowledge and expertise of our dedicated team of trust specialists.


DOWNLOAD - RHB Bank – RHB Trustees Berhad logo

NOTE – This logo is already available. But this is a version where I always need to use for my work. Enjoy.



Akhi JoePembina T&S, Vectorise or any related parties do not hold ownership of the logo design and it is fully owned by individual/the company itself. They are solely uploaded by the tracer to help any person or related parties who has a need to use them for their work. If any portion of any material or information provided is subject to confidentiality, please contact administrator for withdrawal.

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